Strategic Planning, Content Audits, and Online Business Management

for Small Business Owners

Your business is like a garden—
It needs a little TLC to blossom.

We could ask you the honest question of “Have you been plotting, pruning, and watering it?” but as business owners, we know those are the first things that fall to the back burner when you’re in the throws of day-to-day entrepreneurship. 

(Kind of like when your dentist asks you if you’ve been flossing. You can get by with just brushing, but you know not making time for the less glamorous but oh-so-important thing is a prime example of what you sow.) 

Whether you're facing weeds of inefficiency, rocky soil of “I don’t know how to do this or what I should do next!” or simply need a little sunshine to thrive— we're here to help with the nourishment your business needs to bloom. 

We don’t have all the answers because we shouldn’t.

You’ll find a lot of people in the business world saying they have all the answers. We don’t. 

We’re entrepreneurs who figured it out one step forward and two steps back. We’ve had successful launches and flops, insane list growth and trickles, hit goals out of the park, and missed them by miles.

We’ve been in and are still in your same shoes—whether those be tried-and-true Rothy’s, Birkenstocks, or hiking boots.

We’re here to work with you and grow alongside you, not tell you what to do from a mountaintop.

Over the past five years, we have built our first business together, which transformed the professional development space for teachers. And still, we don’t have it all figured out—never will.

What our team is really good at? Putting our skills and talents on the table to help other business owners, putting together puzzle pieces, and practicing what we preach.

And what we do know? Is that business owners saw what we’ve been able to grow, and asked how we can help them, and that’s how Green & Growing Consulting came to be. 


We met on the internet and have been inseparable since.

Which, we don’t think is a coincidence, considering we both: are married to military husbands, have two amazing kids (one boy, one girl!), taught Agriculture for ten years, and love helping other business owners as much as finding treasures while thrifting. 

Together, we have unique backgrounds in education, instructional design, and starting and growing an online business.

So, we really, really get it. 

We don’t have packages because you’re not a one-size-fits-all business.

If each client had the same solution, that would mean we weren’t doing it right. We believe in tailored-to-you services because your business is unique and should be treated that way. 

But what we do have are three different ways we can help your business. And a full team of educators, creatives, and strategists who always have their garden gloves on— ready to help you plot, prune, and water whatever it is you want to see bloom.

Strategic Planning

Communications, launch, and quarterly planning for the entrepreneur who has clarity on an end goal but wants guidance on the what-to-do and when-to-do it stepping stones to get there.

Plot your business garden with project plans that align with your ambitions. Whether you're seeding new ideas or cultivating what’s existing, we offer strategic guidance and step-by-step timelines to provide a clear path.

  • Investment:

    • 30 Minute Strategy Call $50

      • Ex. your next offer, refine your masterclass, advice on your next business decision.

    • Strategic Plans Starting at $500

      • Ex. Quarterly Plans, Launch Plans, or Communications Plans


    1 week, Friday call, Friday delivery


    Client intake form, 60-90 minute call with a certified OBM, plan delivery (video and Google Doc/PDF) in one week

    Contact Us

Content Audits

Audits for courses, masterclasses, lead magnets, and funnels through the lens of experts in education, both in the classroom and in business. 

We'll pinpoint areas for improvement to ensure your content is clear, consistent, and impactful, helping you attract and retain your ideal clients.

  • Investment:

    • Courses Starting at $2500

    • Masterclass/Workshop $750

    • Challenge $1500

    • Lead Magnet/Nurture Sequence $500-$1000


    Client onboarding call, expert analysis through a proven method, offboarding call with specific/detailed suggestions/recommendations for improvement.

    Let's Chat about Content

Online Business Management

Consistent strategic guidance and execution for soloprenuers. Take your team of one to a team of many to achieve your business goals, creative ideas and serve your clients with excellence.

So, you know all the ins and outs of being a business owner… but the doing all the things? Feels way outside your comfort zone (and capacity). We noticed a white space where specifically solopreneurs can’t do it all, so their business growth goes to the back burner. We don’t want that for you.

We’ll help you create a plan customized to your goals and use our strengths to lift those tasks off your shoulders.

  • Investment:

    • Starting at $1000/month

      • 3 month minimum commitment

      • Quarterly Plan included with strategy and execution of three business priorities

        • Ex. Challenge creation, customer offboarding sequences, newsletter ideation, customer data analysis, sales activities etc.

    Let us help you!

Kassie, Certified PT and Course Creator

“I LOVE the outline. I have chills and tears in my eyes.”

Jordan, Advertising

“What sets G&G is their commitment to delivering results and personable connection. They don't just hand you a plan and disappear; they're with you every step of the way.” 

Mel, Jewelry Boutique Owner

“A game-changer for my business. G&G’s expertise has really helped propel my business to new heights of success, giving me the mental margin I need to put my focus and energy in the right places.”

Bri, House of Colour Consulting

“Like wow. I knew y’all were phenomenal, but I am BLOWN AWAY!!!”

You do blossom when you do the work that you love. But all the other things that come with running a business? We’ll help you tend to those. 

We want your business to bloom so you can feel like you can finally stop and smell the roses. AKA, getting help with the business side of things and gaining traction toward your goals so you can get back to your true passion of serving clients with excellence.